- Jathaga jothidam is based on birth chart,showing planets position based on person’s date of birth.
- Jathagam by date of birth is personal and unique, specific to your exact birth time, date and place of birth.
- Jathaga jothidam is used to calculate the zodiac signs of a person.
- Horoscope along with sevvai and sarpa dhosam analysis for particular zodiac signs is offered by our website askjosiyar.com.
- For predicting the astrological birth stone,atrological gem stone,baby birth time benefit,baby shower fixing,writing birth horoscope,common benefits for each zodiac sign astrologers use jaathaga jothidam.
- Jaathaga jothidam for particular zodaic sign:
~Bold and ambitious, Aries dives headfirst into even the most challenging situations.
~Remedies for success in life for areis is: Aries are advised to sprinkle cow’s urine everyday or on any one, fixed day of the week in their homes.
~Like bull ,Taureans enjoy relaxing in serene, bucolic environments surrounded by soft sounds, soothing aromas, and succulent flavors.
~Remedies for success in life for Taurus is : people in Taurus should donate pure ghee at any Goddess Laxmi temple.
~Appropriately symbolized by the celestial twins, this air sign was interested in so many pursuits that it had to double itself.
~Remedies for success in life for Gemini is: All individuals under this sign should donate items related to Mercury like green lentils, green garments/clothes; emerald, saffron, camphor, clarified butter [ghee], sweet candy etc..will be very beneficial for them.
~Cancers are highly intuitive and their psychic abilities manifest in tangible spaces.
~Remedies for success in life for cancer is :whose zodiac sign is Cancer should feed young girl-children [below 10 years of age], give them gifts and presents…it shall be greatly beneficial.
~They’re delighted to embrace their royal status: Vivacious, theatrical, and passionate, Leos love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate themselves.
~Remedies for sucess in life for leos: leos should offer water filled in a copper container [tumbler/pot] to the Sun-God.
~Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life.
~Remedies for sucees in life for virgo is :Individuals having Virgo as their zodiac sign should feed, water soaked, green-Moong lentils to a cow.
~Libra is obsessed with symmetry and strives to create equilibrium in all areas of life.
~Remedies for sucess in life for libra is :People should offer meals to newly wedded couples and wedded females, whose husbands are still alive.
~In fact, Scorpio is a water sign that derives its strength from the psychic, emotional realm.
~Remedies for sucess in life for scorpio is:people should keep a copper tumbler filled with water at their bed-side during night at the time of retiring to bed. On awakening in the morning pour the water on a thorny plant.
~Sagittarius launches its many pursuits like blazing arrows, chasing after geographical, intellectual, and spiritual adventures.
~Remedies for sucess in life for sagittarians is: They should feed a pale cow [off –white/yellow], with fodder / chapattis and with flour –pedas [flattened dough], stuffed with water soaked Bengal gram lentils.
~Capricorns are skilled at navigating both the material and emotional realms.
~Remedies for sucess in life for capricorn is :People should donate at least once a month a black blanket with some money, to a needy/poor person.
~Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, the mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land. Accordingly, Aquarius is the most humanitarian astrological sign.
~Remedies for sucess in life for aquarius is :All individuals under this sign are advised to regularly feed sugar and flour to ants’ .They will never have to face any instability in their lives.
~Pisces has absorbed every lesson — the joys and the pain, the hopes and the fears learned by all of the other signs.
~Remedies for sucess in life for pisces is :.Pisceans are advised to feed flour-dough balls to the fishes regularly or feed them fish-food.
- Jaathaga jothidam helps to predict all the zodiac sign’s benifits and remdies for having a sucessful life.
- Visit askjosiyar.com website for predicting your future life using jaathaga jothidam by our experienced astrologer .